Friday, June 20, 2008

Is The Procedure Done Correctly??

I read the newspaper when I am on my work today morning, and I came across this news... A Drunk Woman Being Rape By Former Colleague.

The two of them actually went out for a drink together. When the guy went to the toilet, the girl, who is already drunk, went out to of the bar and took a taxi wanted to go home. But as the girl was drunk, she could not give the taxi driver the correct direction. So the taxi driver alert the patrolling police for help.

As the police are trying to get the home address of the girl, the guy at the pub called the girl. The police answer the phone and the guy said that the girl was his girlfriend. And so the girl was brought to the Polic Statio and the guy was told to pick her up from there.

The guy arrived at the police station and took the girl off with him. But instead of bringing the girl home, the guy took her to a hotel and rape her....

Is the policemen doing the right thing? Why the police didn't make an effort to call the family member of the girl? How the police verify that the guy was really her boyfrend when th girl was pickup at the police station? Why the police just handle the drunk girl over in the police station, leting the guys take her when she is still unconscious?

If the family member of the girl were called, instead of asking the guy friend to pick her up, such thing would have been prevented. What do you guys think???

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have recover from my Fever!

The wii was fun!! It is really really sensitive.. detecting the position of the baseball bat when I play the wii Sport, caculating the speed when I swing the bat and much much more!!
Here are more picture I took on last sat!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Finally!!! I have finish my last exam module on monday!!! Now I'm left with a final year project.

Went to Zoo on Sunday with Bei, because the World Blood Donor Day held a event on that day in the Zoo. It was fun but rather crowded there cause it is a Saturday and plus the admission for those invited to the event are allow to bring along a friend. See quite a few animals that we fail to see that time.

I also went to the PC Fair that day. The crowd are still alright as compare to the few times I go during the past PC Fair. I bought a wii at the PC Fair. Real expensive, but the game was fun and my cousin enjoy playing it.

I'm down with fever since Sunday (I Think...) Didn't really have the mood to study and also don't feel like going to work..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Assignment 3 Finally Finish...

It have been like almost 1 week plus since I last update my blog...

I have been busy with my assignment 3 for the past 1 week. The assignment 3 is due today midnight and I have only manage to complete it like last night 1.30am. I just hope that I can pass this module...

Sometimes it is really hard to cope with work and study. It is like totally got no life at all. Working in the morning, 8.30am to 5.30pm, then lesson at night, 7pm to 10pm. On top of that, assignment have to be finish before deadline and that will eat into the free time where you don't have work or lesson....

Shall share some picture I took at my work place

This is the attire I need to wear when I'm in the flavor production in the company. The reason is that the place there produce the flavor for food and drink. Thus it is important to have the hair cover with a net and wear a lab coat. The smell of the place... well, just imagine putting a lot of maggie mee powder and smell it...

Anyway, I love my job there.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday Bluezzz....

What a Monday... Think this Old Lady in the company is having her PMS or what.. It is like she is the only one affected by the slow network...

This stupid lady called as early as 9am in the morning saying that her Lotus Notes is not responding AGAIN!!! And over the phone, she is saying that she is going to complain to the higher management (What the **** right!!). I hate it when people try using higher management to challenge on all this small matters, and she is the very 1st one who did that. The network of the company is slow what. I'm just someone from PC support, Not a network engineer!!! What can I do?? I myself also have to wait for the lotus notes to open and replicate in the morning.

Also, when we shut down or restart our PC, the data will also be backup to the server. Depending on the data that is going to the server, which means, the more your data, the longer you have to wait. So this act smart lady say something like this: "You mean that if the shutting down of the PC will take 15 min, I need to start shutting it down at 5.15pm? So that I can left work at 5.30pm??" I can't imgine anyone will sit in front of the PC and just wait for the PC to shut down TOTALLY!!! Who will do that??? Well, I think this lady here does that always...

Don't know what is the matter with her. I shall see if the Lotus Note still open "Slowly" tomorrow morning and if she think it is, I will just format away her PC!!!

I think today is just not my day... Hope things can get better tomorow.

Note: To those who need the help of other people in the company, don't just anyhow bring out the higher management to threaten those people. You may have win this time, but the impression you give to the others will do you no good, or worst, you may not get any help when you really need one.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Nice Weekend...

A beautiful day today! No Rain, and the weather is so good today.

I actually plan to go back to work today, but bei asked me if I can don't go a not. So I make a decision of not going work today...

We went out at 9.30am and catch a 10am movie (The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian) at Jurong Point today. A very nice show with a lot of effect and also funny sence. There are a lot of new characters in the movie. One very "cute and small" character is this mouse called "Reepicheep". He is so small, so cute and he can fight with just a needle-light sword. He also mention that the tail is "The honour and glory of a mouse." It seems like the mouse is Commando Trained (Motto, For Honour and Glory).

After the movie end, we went down to Queenstown area to have our lunch. Bei intro me this thia food somewhere near her work place call "Joe's Kitchen Thai Cuisine". The Food there is nice!!! I love the Seafood Tom Yum Soup, Phad Thai (Thai Fried Kway Teow) and much much more.. It's really a filling lunch.

Then we went shopping @ IKEA. It was fun in the place, lot of interesting stuff and things to see. I think I wil consider buying stuff from IKEA when I have a house of my own... Took some picture quite "un-willingly" in the place... Can you imgine placing a cushion toy crab on my head, making it balance and take a picture? Quite hard right... But I actually did that in IKEA, with some many people around at that time...!!! Feel super funny and stupid..., but it was fun.. haha..

We also we AnchorPoint to shop. Went in to G2000 to shop for some office wear myself. The shirt there are cheaper as compare to the other outlets I have been to...

Really enjoy my day today, thanks to Bei!!!

The stupid Huai Ren...

This is the Huai Ren whom have been taken by my mother since she was a baby. She is currently in primary 2, but my family members will still call her "baby". Haha, not too sure when we can actually stop calling her that. It has become a habit when we call out for her.

Here are the picture she put tissue papers into her ears, not too sure why she is doing that for... And her sister is saying that she is like "猪八戒".