Saturday, May 31, 2008

Assignment 2 to An End...

Finally finish my Assignment 2.

Went through the whole assignment last night, found that there are still things that need to be done. I spend through the whole night doing it, dozing of through the night and finish it at around 11.30am. Finally, it is done... And now waiting for assignment 3.

I'm really moody night when doing my assignment.. Everything I did is like wrong. 1st she was saying that we have wan tan mee at Alexandra area, and if it is not open, we can go for the thai food near the area, also not bad. Then come yesterday, she totally change all the initial plan... Wanted to go somewhere else, movie can be watch next time...

What is the thing that woman are thinking?? I don't understand... Suddenly change of plan and wanted me to do the planning again only last night when I'm working hard on my assignment which is due today. Haiz~ really sian~~~

Just hope that things can get better today...

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